Welcome back to PIE WEEK, where every day this week I'm sharing a new pie video! Today I'm showing you 5 amazing pie crust designs.

Ok, so I am totally putting cupcake decorating on hold temporarily, for my new obsession this fall, pie decorating. I've been going nuts creating super fun and totally show-stopping borders, shapes and decorated pie crusts and it's so much fun to get creative and use different techniques to design your own custom pie.

I made my favorite, super simple buttery pie crust recipe to kick off pie week, because you can do it in advance and just pop it in the fridge or freezer until you're ready to make your pie, but you can use store bought pie crust if you want, which tends to be easier for making decorations to top your pie with.
It's almost like playing with playdough, so get creative and play around with different ideas and shapes and designs.

How to Make 5 Decorative Pie Crust Designs
Click the links below for each step-by-step tutorial!

Ok, so I am totally putting cupcake decorating on hold temporarily, for my new obsession this fall, pie decorating. I've been going nuts creating super fun and totally show-stopping borders, shapes and decorated pie crusts and it's so much fun to get creative and use different techniques to design your own custom pie.

I made my favorite, super simple buttery pie crust recipe to kick off pie week, because you can do it in advance and just pop it in the fridge or freezer until you're ready to make your pie, but you can use store bought pie crust if you want, which tends to be easier for making decorations to top your pie with.

To create a golden flakey layer on the top of your pie crust, just brush an "egg wash" over the top of the crust with a pastry brush before baking. Just beat 1 large egg with 1 tablespoon cream, milk or water, and you can also use this as the glue to stick your pieces of dough together.

Even make little cut out shapes to go on top and drizzle them in chocolate or roll them in cinnamon sugar!

Even make little cut out shapes to go on top and drizzle them in chocolate or roll them in cinnamon sugar!

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How to Make 5 Decorative Pie Crust Designs