This ghost cake is actually made from a simple batch of cupcakes! Pull-apart cupcake cakes are perfect for parties, as guests can easily enjoy a cupcake without the mess of cutting into a regular cake.
When I was contacted by Family Fun magazine to create this fun cake for their October issue, I knew it would be a sure hit at Halloween parties everywhere! Check out my ghost cupcake cake recreated in the October 2012 issue.
Pull-Apart Ghost Cupcake Cake
Arrange 24 cooled cupcakes into a ghost shape, as show below, on a platter or serving dish. Use a dot of icing on the bottom of each cupcake to "glue" it in place, pressing the cupcakes in as close together as possible. Use a large round piping tip in an icing bag or snip the corner off of a plastic sandwich bag to pipe a border of frosting around the edge of the cupcakes. Work your way in until the entire ghost is covered in icing. Use an off-set spatula or butter knife to smooth the top. Add the eyes and mouth using black icing gel or some of your white icing dyed with black food coloring.
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Happy Halloween!!